Friday, April 24, 2009

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Palawan in the dark - 8 hour blackouts hit Puerto Princesa residents want action!

Calling out on the President, VP Kabayan Noli, the Cabinet, NEDA, NAPOCOR, the Senate, and whoever else can do something about, what many believe, is an apparent case incompetence and mismanagement while undergoing contract negotiations in the handling of an IPP Power agreement between a local power cooperative and a local power utilities suppliers who are fighting or well negotiating a power supply contract.

This, while members of congress have had hearings and debated on the topic and the local governments try to figure out what can be done as hundreds of thousands of Filipinos’ supply of electrical power in the the only province in the Philippines that is a net exporter of energy, my home province of Palawan, deals with daily multiple brownouts and electrical power availability, and business is at loss at what to do.

Business affected: Small and medium-sized hotels suffering as blackouts hit at times for 8 hours a day

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