Thursday, April 27, 2006
Threat of May One violence confirmed in Police Raid
Militant Extremists of the Abu Sayyaf and not military rebels may have thier own "G plan" for the upcoming may day rallies in the Philippines. a total of six granades five hand granade and a rifle granade as well as a unfinnished IED and blasting cap fuse wire were recovered by Philippine Police.
When operatrives led by Lt. Col. Nelson Yabut of the CIDG NCR ; raided a compound in the suburban city of Marikina where at 21 champaign street in residence village in Marikina they found the weapons cache.
I know Nelson - he was Lt. Yabut of the WPD or Manila's western Police district when I first met him a long -long time ago- myself- like other reporters used to sneak into his office to get instant coffee! (what does that tell you about how long ago that was!) All I can say it was a much happier if not interesting time. A lot of us - learned quite a bit from Nelson... i dont know why but - a watering hole in front of WPD's press center comes to mind - spent many late nights there learning the trade in what now seems - a long time ago.
Now Lt. Col or perhaps Col. Yabut - he should be General soon I hope; I know many Cops; not Yabut, Nelson is a "Police Officer".
Anyhow he explained to reporters the purpose of the raid - and the need for a higher level of vigililance by all groups in the days ahead.
Among those seen at the compund were higher ups in the ASG - they believe that a plot to throw grandes into crowds of rallists protesting this labor day- may have been the purpose of the group that reports say numbered anywhere for four to six men. Who are "at large" by the way at this time.
A trademark of the groups here though - was seen at the site- the blast wire- I can't go into details but perhaps I can talk about it in another blog.
"Fusewire" was found at the site as well as wrapping paper for more - alert levels have been raised. Police in the City of Manila are on a high level of alert to deal with anything untoward other groups attempt to create chaos in the days ahead.
the six men included a cousin of the Abu Sayyaf leader Kadaffi Janjalani.
I'll keep an eye on this one...
# posted by MikeCohen-at-large : Thursday, April 27, 2006

Don't mess with Copperfield"
Report from Miami - got to read this to believe it!
David Copperfield magically escaped being mugged. He was walking with two female assistants (Wow two women ! I can't believe it !)
Anyway on his way to out backstage - in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Four teens pulled up the West Palm beach a police report say.
Two of the teens "armed" allegedly got out of the car and demanded the group's belongings. The women handed over purses, passports, and plane tickets and cell phones.
Copperfield the report says "refused to empty his pockets, which he turned out to reveal nothing in them, even though he was carrying a passport, wallet and cell phone." Police talking to the Maimi press said "Call it reverse pickpocketing,"
Copperfield read the license plate number of the car to an assistant when she called 911, the cops got the Four teenagers they've been arrested and charged with armed robbery.
All property was recovered. I can't belive it! Two women I always thought he was....
# posted by MikeCohen-at-large : Thursday, April 27, 2006

"Let's impeach the President"- Neil Young's new song...
In the exclusive on the Fox News Webiste this morning which was put on ear breaking news of Matt Drduge's drugereport;
A link to the lyrics to the song which are on the website.
In the entertainment column of By Roger Friedman "Neil Young: Exclusive 'Impeach the President' Lyrics... "
In part here a quick snipet -
"This new album, Living with War, is an incendiary, moving, totally American document of peaceful protest that is going to make a lot of people crazy one way or another."
Am sure FNC's website is getting tons of hits at the moment as people look
for themselves what the song has to say online.
Go to Fox for the rest... and read the lyrics am sure the song will go to the top of the charts even if only on plain curiosity.
# posted by MikeCohen-at-large : Thursday, April 27, 2006

ERAP-LACSON: willing to testify in Spy Case....
Former Philippine
President Joseph Estrada says he will consult with his legal panel on the allegations raised against him by a Federal Prosecutor in New Jersey in a court hearing. Monday, reports reaching manila said Assistant U.S. Attorney Karl Buch, for the first time publicly named; Estrada and two others, Sen. Panfilo Lacson, and former Speaker Arnufo Funtebella.
Prosecutor Buch ; alleged the three were recipients of information taken from the FBI .
In the case Senior U.S. District Judge William Walls before in a espionage case filed versus a Filipino American FBI Analyst and a ex-Philippine Police officer Michael Ray Aquino last year.
Estrada, currently is facing a mountain of legal problems and has been jailed for the last five years said, “I have not seen the charge sheet- I will speak to my lawyers first”.
He did admit to having read what he says were “Media reports” sent to him, as well as other information he called “not sensitive - nor secret” as public reports from the US Embassy in Manila.” During his communication with the two accused men in the case.
Estrada, is right to assume it may lead another case thrown his way on top of numerous charges already he faces in the Philippines.
Currently Estrada and two others are not a defendants in the case filed versus a former FBI Analyst Lean Arragoncillo and Michael Ray Aquino.
Former Senator Panfilo Lacson was less guarded in his reaction calling the case “flimsy” and that he only got emails from Aquino and nothing ever from Arragoncillo.
He has openly said He will be willing to speak on the side of truth and say what he knows about the emails he received. “They were only news reports! Clippings, nothing fancy and defiantly not secret.”
However an ominous note in the case at bar was the Judges statement “The judge said the former president is living under house arrest on corruption charges. He said the odds were slim that any of the prospective witnesses would risk arrest in the United States.”
Which hints the three named persons could still be formally charged in the US case against the two men in New Jersey
Case still moving…
# posted by MikeCohen-at-large : Thursday, April 27, 2006