Friday, May 26, 2006
"In politics stupidity is not a handicap" -- Napoleon
If you thought Philippine politics is well exciting and a little stressful... look at these cases and issues in the rest of the world
In the UK a parliament member is anything but a gentleman peer to his PM as his words soundly said here would merit a warrant of arrest for inciting rebellion or grave threats.
MP George Galloway... perhaps unknowingly is the best example of the saying
" In politics stupidity is not a handicap." by Napoleon... his most recent quip was to advocate a act of terrorism and justify it versus his own had of state. In a word the MP committed Treason.
I wont even dignify the comment - but an excerpt from the Article is below:
[]... Mr Blair's decision to go to war in
But Iraq and Afghanistan are major problems for B-1 & B-2 as Bush and Blair are being called of late like the Banana's in Pajama's these two seem to be slowly coming to realize Wars do need to end at some point but the problem with that is it is often easy to get into these things and hard to get out of them.
Meanwhile the scandals of local political accusations of corruption are no match right now for the US Congress and FBI war that is brewing in
Washington is awash in every kind of scandal of late - this latest one seems to be shocker that has many people up in arms over a search by the FBI in the Rayburn building. I wonder what the next FBI Budget hearing will be like - some are calling for a sweeping review of many functions of the agency and other Federal offices and Prosecutors that have become almost Governments unto and of themselves- at least that’s what some congressmen are saying....
The White House has problems of its own as it is being seen as the instigator of the breech of constitutional separation of powers.
Then there's Lean Arragoncillo's old boss- Dick Cheney...
[] ... If a prosecutor calls him as a witness, Vice President Dick Cheney probably can't avoid testifying in his former chief of staff's perjury trial, legal experts said Thursday. "There may be significant issues of executive privilege and significant issues of classified information. But there are obviously significant factual issues that bear on the charges the prosecutor has brought" in the CIA leak investigation, said former federal prosecutor E. Lawrence Barcella Jr. ...[]
Now how come prosecutors never called the two former VEEPS and Condi Rice in to testify in the case of Aragoncillo - in his application to the FBI - per family members statements the three were character references on his FBI application as a analyst!
I was asked in a blog comments section why don’t you do more reporting on all the stuff happening here in
So by global standards a lot is happening overseas that makes people kind of focused on the issues there in
Lets just hope the situation doesn't change overnight and the scene here doesn't top whats going on in
philippines news-and-politics
Bird Flu: second case of ‘human cluster’ to human transmission reported in Indonesia
Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 14
[]…. The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed an additional case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case occurred in a 32-year-old man. He developed symptoms on 15 May and died on 22 May.The case is part of a family cluster in the Kubu Sembelang village, Karo District, of North Sumatra. The man is the seventh member of an extended family to become infected with the H5N1 virus and the sixth to die. An additional person, who was the first member of the family to fall ill, died of respiratory disease on 4 May. No specimens were taken prior to her burial and the cause of her death cannot be determined. However, as her clinical course was compatible with H5N1 infection, epidemiologists at the outbreak site include this woman as the initial case in the cluster…." []
[]… JAKARTA, May 26 (PNA/Antara) - Two people from one family, who died earlier this week in West Java province, have been tested positive to bird flu virus by a local lab, the Indonesian Health Ministry said here on Thursday. …[]
"They are brother and sister, both are positively infected,"Director of Health and Environmental Health of the Ministry I Nyoman Kandun Kandun.
philippines news-and-politics