Sunday, June 04, 2006
Terrorists Targeting Toronto Thwarted
Thwarted reports say Mounties tag 17 in major counter terror operation. Links below:
[]…. Toronto Star Coverage:
Seventeen people arrested last night have been charged with terror-related offences, the RCMP said this morning. Six of the adults arrested are from Mississauga, two from Kingston and four from Toronto.
Three tonnes of the fertilizer ammonium nitrate were seized in relation to the alleged plot, three times as much as was used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
The TTC was not a target, the RCMP says.
Men attended 'training camp': Sources (June 3)
Internet monitoring sparked probe (June 3) …. []
[]… Globe and Mail:
Massive terror attack averted: RCMP(
Counterterrorism raids Friday result in 17 arrests; "homegrown" group had plans to attack targets in Ontario, police allege 12:20 PM (61)
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